Sunday, August 02, 2009

"The Full Monty"

I should have posted this sooner since the last show is being performed while I type this, but I am not really keeping up with anything these days.

Braeden and Dave have both been appearing in "The Full Monty" and The Waldo Theatre. Braeden is the one child actor in it, playing the son of the lead character. He's gotten some nice press from reviews. This is his 25th unique show, which is also pretty good for a child of only eleven years.

An excerpt from The Lincoln County News:
An equally big hand goes to young Braeden Waddell who plays Lukowski's son, Nathan, and who also gave a fine and solid performance.

And from Village Soup:

Jerry and his ex have their differences, but they both love their son. Braeden Waddell is really good and at ease as young Nathan, a straight shooter of a kid who excels in nonchalant affectionate sparring with his dad and, when the story demands it, turns on some believable tears. Too bad his buddies can't come to see him on stage.

The connection between Waddell and Coombs is believable too, and bedside song "Breeze on the River" is particularly effective. We believe Jerry wants to do the right thing; we also believe that, in general, that's the path less taken for this guy.

I'm proud of Braeden. This one has been more work and less fun for him in many ways as he is the only child in the production, but he did a great a job!

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