Thursday, September 20, 2012

Update in September

It's been awhile since I have posted . . . I think it is time for me to get back into the swing of things and keeping this updated. For now I will just do a quick update.

Braeden has started high school at Lincoln Academy. It is a huge transition, but I am rather impressed with how well he is doing. He is much more concerned about his grades than I ever was, even though I always figured I would go to law school (I dropped out after a year). He is taking all the usual classes plus joined in the International Club and is participating in the fall musical, Godspell, as John the Baptist and Judas. He has matured a ton over the past year or so and is really a very good teen.

Thane is now in 3rd grade and is still a special education student with Asperger's Disorder and newly diagnosed Anxiety Disorder-NOS (Not Otherwise Specified). He is a curious position of belong somewhere between what they call "life skills" here and the "resource room" which is more for children with learning disabilities as opposed to a pervasive developmental disorder. Thane is very smart, a bit like Sheldon Cooper from television's "Big Bang Theory." His road-blocks to learning are definitely related to his autism, such as lack of flexibility in writing, and his anxiety. Odd as it sounds, I am glad he actually has an anxiety diagnosis now as I think it is the primary obstacle he faces.

1 comment:

Melissa R said...

Bec, so happy to read a post from you! B in high school. Eek! T is 3rd grade, no he's just a toddler! Oh, time flies.