Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Spring!

I made this card and meant to mail it, but I couldn’t find the envelopes and life was too busy. Hopefully those who would have gotten it by snail mail will see it here. I had to include the melee afterward, which included the adult male, because it is just so typical of these guys. Who knew smiley-face flowers could make swords?


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bunch of bunnies you have! Happy Easter and Happy Spring to all of you!

FatSingleMom said...

Yup, boys (of all ages!) can make violent toys out of ANYTHING!

carrie said...

You've got yourself a big bunch of BOYS there. I swear they're a different species, but absolutely adorable. I can't get over how fast they're growing!

Snarky Mom Reads said...

Oh man - ANYTHING can be made into a SWORD!! (Says the woman in a household of 4 males!!)

Andrea said...

Wonderful Bec!! What fun! Love the flowers and bunny ears. Those boys are adorable. :)