Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

It may sound silly, but I am very proud of Braeden today . . . he went to school today dressed like this. It takes a very fun-loving person to be confident enough to pull this off. He's made me smile a bunch of times today while he isn't even home.

It was cute, he got out of the car at school and put on his stove-pipe hat. There is always a teacher outside at the driveway at school as a greeter. Today it was Sarah, someone who thoroughly enjoys Braeden's humor. She totally lit up when she saw him, so it was fun to see that.

I think he is adorable. He tells me I am not supposed to say that anymore!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Especially from Braeden!


Melissa R said...

He is wonderful.

Ian's hat broke yesterday so this morning, before a field trip, we had to find another one. He ended up with a cute hat and socks. He was proud.

Unknown said...

How fun!!! He looks like he was having a great time!

Alicia said...

I am forever proud of kids brave enough to make their own trail through life. Go Braeden! Keep lighting up the lives around you.

Unknown said...

hey Bec- I know you don't get on here as much anymore but wanted to let you know I gave you a blog award- check out my site to get it :)