Saturday, October 21, 2006

Long Week

It has been a long week. I had complained to Thane’s case manager that the preschool program was shortening school days if not many children were there. It wouldn’t generally be a problem, but if I had an appointment or something it would be. I got a call on Monday saying the teachers and therapists decided to shorten school to two hours every day.

I was angry at first and wondering if I should just pull him out of school. It makes the day short enough that I can’t come home, go to the pool, or anything like that. But he seems to be responding better to it – he didn’t ask to skip like he had been doing.

We made an offer on that piece of land I posted pictures of back in September. We were pretty excited, but it looks like it will fall through. The seller is changing the amount of frontage for the lot we were looking at, and taking away the pocket beach we really liked. We expect to withdraw the offer next week. So we’re thinking about what we might do to make our home nicer and forget about the vacation home idea.

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