Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Deep Thoughts

I find myself quoting Thane more than Braeden just because what he tends to say things that are kind of little-boy cute or a bit wonky. I’m sure I would have quoted Braeden much more if I was blogging when he was younger. Monday on the drive to school, though, I got one of those “Deep Thoughts” . . . or maybe not . . .

Braeden said that he was thinking about a bunch of different things and could only imagine how much more complicated it will be when he is an adult and has that much more to think about. Braeden is a grand planner – whether it is the movie he’d like to film in Harrington complete with replica Viking ships, or his plans to start a boffer group. Then he came up with this – and yes, I did smile wide, but stopped short of laughing until after I dropped him off and I got to repeat it:

“My mind is like a maze with many different paths, all of which lead to dead ends.”


Snarky Mom Reads said...

You know, that's pretty deep! I'm glad you documented it! By the way - what is a boffer game?

Melissa R said...

OMG, he has no idea.... those mazes just get more and more and more confusing as you age... at least he is preparing himself for it!!

Bec said...

Boffers are padded weapons that are used for fighting practice -- so instead of a metal sword, for example, you'd use something made with pipe foam. It's a type of SCA activity -- but armor isn't needed and things that you wouldn't want to invest in for a child, if that makes sense. Armor is expensive, so they can get buy with football padding hand-me-downs and such!