Sunday, April 29, 2007

Big Brother

I know I post more about Thane – in part because I spend more time with him since Braeden is in school all day and then often is playing with friends in the afternoon.

Braeden is a pretty amazing and wonderful kid. It is the seemingly little things that add up to my thinking he has to be one of the best big brothers a little boy could have. Whether it is stopping what he is doing to help Thane for a moment, putting himself between Thane and the stone wall so he wouldn’t get hurt (and injuring himself a bit in the process), or sharing the last of his French fries, Braeden is an excellent nurturer.

I hope they always love each other as much as they do today!


Snarky Mom Reads said...

Bec - I'm sure they'll always be close. They've been taught to keep an eye out for each other, and they'll obviously learned the lesson well & with love - good job, Momma :) !!

Kimberly said...

I think Braden's "wonderfulness" was demonstrated perfectly by his birthday cake choice. He sounds like an amazing kid. :)